Tuesday, June 8, 2010

3-5 mile walk...

Well when given the choice most people just the easier end, but because I knew I was working out later than I should be I did do the lower end.

I got my Nike iPod sensor so I am back on track.

In an hour of working out I had an average of a 16:49 min/mi pace, I went 3.56 mi, I forgot to set my weight on my new sensor so I don't know the calories but I am 3 pounds lighter than the other weight on the old sensor.

The title for this blog is 60 by 5s, that is because I want to lose 60 pounds and I am trying to do it 5 pounds at a time, I can only keep hoping.

Monday, June 7, 2010

6 weeks training...

Ah, yes my first night working out. Well I didn't do what was planned, more because I am terrible at judging distances and I am more successful at working out when I have a quantifiable workout (maybe not the word I want to use but let's remember I turn more stupid when I work out, not that I am smart), but I need a record of my work outs for me to feel more successful

I already new my iPod Nike work out tracker thing wasn't working so I tried three stores to find a new one, very unsuccessful.

I recommended going out to eat to get a burger and fries (I was hungry and was scared the salad would not have been large enough for me, which it would have worked once I saw someone else order it).

I had started just a little later than I wanted to and because I wasn't recording I think I went a little less than what I could have pushed myself. Now really I did feel the burn for a better part of the workout so that has to stand for something right? I think I started to slow down after I had decided to look at a house that was for sale in the part of town that I dream of living in so I wanted to see what I could not afford.

Good things about the workout...

I started!!!!

I didn't cheat myself out of the route I was planning on taking and I walked the dog afterwards too. She did poop twice on that walk and I ran out of bags so I had to make really good use of the one bag.

I was sprinkling rain, it was really nice, helped me to cool off, it was wonderful!

I found a quarter!!!!

I stopped some punk ass kids from fighting in the church parking lot, of course after I was talking to them it seemed they were playing around (although I still question it but they all seemed to sincerely agree so I carried on).

Over all I had fun and I stared, what else can I ask for?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

three walks

I took the dog out for 3 walks today, my son left on Saturday so I have to get off my butt and work on getting into the excercise routine. The walks today was a good start. Here's to hoping.